Friday, September 20, 2013

Notes on organic compounds

Organic compounds- contain the element carbon and are found in living things Everything that is living is composed of molecules with carbon atoms.

  • Carbon has 4 valence electrons and can therefore form many compounds with many elements.
Living cells composed of huge molecules are made up of thousands of atoms. The 4 biomolecules found in living things ae carohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.

1. Carbohydrates are made up of carbon, hydogen, and oxygen atoms and are used as a source of energy for living things. Large Molecules of carbs are called polysaccharides (Ex. starch)
2. Lipids do not genarally mix in water. They are found in cell membrames and help our skin keep from drying out.


  1. Valence electrons are the outer most shell electrons of an atom.

  2. There were a few spelling errors but this helps greatly with refreshing my mind on bio molecules.

  3. Reina,

    You included great information about the four major macromolecules in our bodies. I like how you included information about the elements in carbohydrates (CHO). I would have liked to have seen more information about proteins and nucleic acids. However, you started us off well in our class blog. Way to go!
