Monday, November 4, 2013


Meiosis is the reduction-division of the chromosomes
- gametes (sex cells)
- haploid [4 daughter cells] = 23 chromosomes each
1. Interphase
2. Meiosis I
   * Prophase I - Finds its homologous pair/crossing over occours
   * Metaphase I - Lines up down the "middle" with its tetrad
   * Anaphase I - Split tetrad and they move away from one another
   * Telophase I - Begins to pinch inward to make 2 new cells & nucleus re-forms (cytokinesis)
   * Cytokinesis - Splitting of the cell
3. Meiosis II
   * Prophase II - Nucleus dissolves, spindle fibers form; chromosomes condense
   * Metaphase II - Line up down the middle
   * Anaphase II - Splits the chromatids at the centromere
   * Telophase II - Cells begin to pinch inwards/nucleus reforms
   * Cytokinesis - Splitting of the cell

Example of crossing over and tetrad

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