Wednesday, October 9, 2013

1.       Nucleolus
Ø  Inside the nucleus
Ø  The place where ribosomes are assembled
2.       Nucleus
Ø  Contains chromatin or DNA (the protein building instructions)
Ø  Controls the cell

3.       Nuclear Envelop
Ø  Double membrane between nucleus and cytoplasm
Ø  Dotted with thousands of nuclear pores which allows material to move into and out of the nucleus
4.       Ribosome
Ø  Small complexes of RNA and Protein
Ø  Known as the “Factory”
Ø  Sites of protein synthesis (where amino acids connect to each other making a polypeptide chain)
5.       Rough ER (Endoplasmic Reticulum)
Ø  Internal membranes studded with ribosomes which then carry out protein synthesis and exported
Ø  Produces membrane
Ø  Continuous with the nucleus

6.       Smooth ER (Endoplasmic Reticulum)
Ø  Contains enzymes.
Ø  The enzymes produce the synthesis of membrane lipids and detoxify drugs.
7.       Golgi Complex
Ø  Collects packages and sends it to the right place
Ø  Adds carbs
8.       Cell Membrane
Ø  Consists of lipid bilayer with embedded proteins
Ø  Regulates the entrance and exit of substances trying to maintain internal balance
Ø  Protects inner cell from damage
9.       Centrioles
Ø  Help cell when dividing
Ø  They are put to work in both the process of mitosis and meiosis
10.   Mitochondrion
Ø  Generates energy  (ATP) for the cell


  1. Are you guys getting the pictures? Or is it just me?

  2. Ilyas,

    Please go back and save your pictures to a file and upload so we can properly view.

