Sunday, October 27, 2013

DNA Structures

       DNA Structures

           DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acids) Store and transmit genetic information. It is made from a String of Nucleotides.

             The Pentagon shape is a five carbon sugar which is deoxyribose. There is a phosphate group which are the circles off to the sides. Lastly there is a nitrogen base ( Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, and Cytosine).
          Adenine is always paired with Thymine
          Guanine is always paired with Cytosine
Both of these bases are connected by hydrogen bonds.
There is a sugar/ Phosphate backbone which make up the outside of the DNA molecule.
  Purines and Pyrimidines

     Adenine and Guanine are the Purines. The pyrimidines are Thymine and Cytosine.

Some people who had some Important discoveries are:
James Watson and Franklin Crick are the men who discovered the double helix.
Another very important person is Rosalind Franklin who devoted her life to finding out as much as she could about DNA structures using x-rays. Her work eventually led to the double helix.
***Remember:  Erwin Chargaff's Base-Pairing Rules:
Adenine pairs with Thymine
Cytosine pairs with Guanine 
These bases pair together because they are similar in chemical composition.
%A = %T
%C = %G

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

1.       Nucleolus
Ø  Inside the nucleus
Ø  The place where ribosomes are assembled
2.       Nucleus
Ø  Contains chromatin or DNA (the protein building instructions)
Ø  Controls the cell

3.       Nuclear Envelop
Ø  Double membrane between nucleus and cytoplasm
Ø  Dotted with thousands of nuclear pores which allows material to move into and out of the nucleus
4.       Ribosome
Ø  Small complexes of RNA and Protein
Ø  Known as the “Factory”
Ø  Sites of protein synthesis (where amino acids connect to each other making a polypeptide chain)
5.       Rough ER (Endoplasmic Reticulum)
Ø  Internal membranes studded with ribosomes which then carry out protein synthesis and exported
Ø  Produces membrane
Ø  Continuous with the nucleus

6.       Smooth ER (Endoplasmic Reticulum)
Ø  Contains enzymes.
Ø  The enzymes produce the synthesis of membrane lipids and detoxify drugs.
7.       Golgi Complex
Ø  Collects packages and sends it to the right place
Ø  Adds carbs
8.       Cell Membrane
Ø  Consists of lipid bilayer with embedded proteins
Ø  Regulates the entrance and exit of substances trying to maintain internal balance
Ø  Protects inner cell from damage
9.       Centrioles
Ø  Help cell when dividing
Ø  They are put to work in both the process of mitosis and meiosis
10.   Mitochondrion
Ø  Generates energy  (ATP) for the cell